Tuesday, June 12, 2007,3:30 PM
Easiest method.. Google Japan..
For the easiest method, i will give you some secret on how easy i gather some articles for my adsense article.
For your information, if you get any translated article, any Search Engine will not detect you.

Just follow these steps..

1. Go to Google.Co.Jp
2. Type any keywords that you like. I give an example, "fitness healthcare". Press Enter.
3. Choose any result in Japanese what you like. (Tips: keep watching to their URL, absolutely in English)
4. Right click, and choose "Copy Link Location" in order to gather their URL.

5. Go to Google.Co.Jp/translate *(or Google.com/translate)
6. Type Ctrl+V (paste the japanese site's URL)
7. Choose "Japanese to English BETA"
8. Kick the "Translate" button.
*you also can put any Japanese text there if you want.
9. Finish. Here what will you see on the last stage. What you need to do is edit some article because it might be some grammatical mistakes there. (also you can find it in my blog..huh)

Tomorrow, i will show you how to install Japanese Language in your PC / laptop.
*looks weird huh? Installing Japanese might be the first step, rite? hehe.. i have my own skill to get all of your attentions. ;>

Upcoming episodes:
1. Install Japanese Language in PC.
2. How to market your adsense site in Japan.
3. What the most popular site in Japan.
4. What info that Japanese want to know. (this might be what you want to know, huh?? haha)

p/s: mind my English, i'm Japanese, so you must know that Japanese so hate English Language. I must learn English to get my adsense profits blown up.

(heh.. tak ngaku konon.. padahal aku orang jawe..)

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